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Researchers describe trials and criteria in unstructured prose with varying vocabulary. Patients don’t have all their diagnostics, and can’t easily determine matches even if they did.
The result: 2% trial usage by patients. 86% of trials are delayed.
Connecting Cancer Patients to the Best Care with AI
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Finding the Best Possible Care
I started CancerBot after being diagnosed with follicular lymphoma. As an AI tech-company founder, I felt I would certainly be available to find the best possible "new technology" to address my disease. My doctors were actively hostile to the idea of trials. So I spent time on all the major clinical trial search services, which took many hours. The difficulty finding matches is the primary reason only 2% of patients sign up for trials. This stops patients from benefiting from advanced treatments and holds back scientific progress.
The problem is that clinical trials are not expressed as structured participation criteria. We built a tool that used AI Large Language Models to find the structured criteria in the mass of unstructured text that each researcher posts. We are now making this available to all cancer sufferers.
AI Large Language Models with proprietary prompt engineering extract the structured participation criteria from the trials. CancerBot guides you to just the next diagnostic/lab/answer for you to expand your eligibility for trials. We also use it to recommend standard of care options.
Patients then quickly find best clinical trials or standard of care treatments to meet their symptoms.
Find the best available therapies by clicking below. Let CancerBot guide you to filling out just enough of your patient profile to be eligible for the most trials. We keep you notified of new relevant therapies, as well as other ongoing coaching on attacking your disease.
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